RagnaRÖCK & Wrestling supershow in Tallinn!

On Saturday,  October 31 at Rock Cafe in Tallinn, Estonia, a mega-event unlike any other ever before on Baltic soil will take place – RagnaRÖCK & Wrestling 2020 supershow, featuring Estonia’s premiere heavyweight metal band, Metsätöll, in concert alongside SLAM! Wrestling Finland’s international line-up of six world-class professional wrestling matches.


Metsätöll has risen to international acclaim and popularity in recent years, becoming the biggest metal music act that Estonia has ever witnessed. With seven full-length studio albums behind them, this folk metal powerhouse carries potent themes of war, nature, mythology and history in their music. Metsatöll’s song titles and lyrics make heavy use of archaic Estonian language and imagery, which often don’t allow for direct English translations. The band’s popularity is unmatched in the Baltics and this special rock & wrestling themed event is also a first for this Estonian metal monolith!


SLAM! Wrestling Finland is bringing the live sports entertainment phenomena established by the very first recognized professional wrestling world champion (in 1905), Estonia’s own George Hackenschmidt, back to Estonia in honor of the legacy and cultural significance of the legendary Hackenschmidt himself.


With six big, international superbouts on the card at Rock Cafe on October 31, the wrestling portion of the event will be crowned with a world heavyweight title match, as Austria’s powerhouse and EWA (European Wrestling Association) reigning world champion, Chris ”Bambikiller” Raaber, puts his prestigious world title on the line against the best professional wrestler out of Russia today and multi-time Russian wrestling champion, ”Locomotive” Ivan Markov!


In addition, see the amazing, larger-than-life, charismatic superstars of European pro wrestling LIVE in action on October 31, such as Icarus and Dover – The Arrows of Hungary, ”The Golden Amazon” Heidi Katrina, ”Portugal’s Perfect Athlete” Shanna, Finnish ”Wildman” Heimo Ukonselkä, ”The Canadian Rebel” StarBuck, Hungary’s Captain Blake Steamer, Russian monster Anton Deryabin, ”Metal Warrior” Stark Adder of Finland, Italy’s top gun Fabio Ferrari, Estonia’s own Mikk Vainula and Kert Kukk and many, many more in tag team matches, Triple Threat matches and a variety of singles matches!


Be sure to make plans to join us for an amazing night of unforgettable action, excitement and thrills at RagnaRÖCK & Wrestling 2020 supershow on October 31 at Rock Cafe in Tallinn!

SLAMageddon Oct. 1st, 2022

On October 1, 2022, the biggest international pro wrestling supershow ever in the Nordics, SLAM! Wrestling Finland‘s SLAMAGEDDON, comes to Apollo Live Club in downtown Helsinki, featuring world-class superstars from 12 different countries in a cavalcade of combat!


See the best male and female wrestlers today in eight different, exciting matches at this live action extravaganza that must been seen to be believed!


See in action stars such as Finland’s very own SLAM! champion “Wildman” Heimo Ukonselkä, Tom La Ruffa of France, Fabio Ferrari of Italy, KUMA from Scotland, Portugal’s own Shanna, Polish powerlifting champion Diana Strong, Canada’s Dylan Broda, Estonia’s Mikk Vainula and Artur Arder, English aces The Primate, Wild Boar and Nina Samuels, Spain’s Carlos Zamora, German-Finnish Lexa Valo, from the USA Cody Hall and Nick Lukkonen, plus Finland’s own TT Suosalo, Miika Forsström, Eemi Helén and “Metal Warrior” Stark Adder, Sweden’s Marcus of Man as well as FInland’s pro wrestling pioneer and founding father, “The Rebel” StarBuck.


Get your tickets NOW through: tapahtumat.npg.fi for this mega-event and come see the spectacular, action-packed supershow that SLAMAGEDDON promises to be on October 1, 2022 at Apollo Live Club in the heart of Helsinki!


The event will be streamed live via watch.slamwres.com (pay per view).


Location: Apollo Live Club, Mannerheimintie 16, Helsinki

Doors open: 18:00 / Event starts: 19:00

Tickets: 39 €

VIP ticket packages:

8 x 4 ppl VIP boxes second tier balcony – 300 € / piece

2 x 10 ppl VIP boxes second tier balcony – 800 € / piece

5 x 5 ppl VIP tables on stage – 500 € / piece

All tables include the set number of event tickets for said package plus a small snack.

Reservations and special group package rates:



SLAMfest! – One Night Riot

SLAMfest! – One Night Riot – August 29, 2020 – Vallila, Helsinki at Konepaja Biergarten


On Saturday, August 29 in the Vallila suburb of Helsinki, SLAM! Wrestling Finland and Konepaja Biergarten present SLAMfest! – One Night Riot, featuring an international line-up of top pro wrestling stars and live action! With six big matches on the menu, hard rockers Thy Row offer up the adrenaline-soaked musical fare at this special rock and wrestling summer’s end event.


Names already secured for the show include the towering Syrian sensation Georges Khoukaz, who stands 201cm and escaped execution at the hands of ISIS to follow his dream to become a pro wrestler; former WWE NXT and Impact Wrestling star ”The French Stallion” Tom La Ruffa; former WWE NXT UK standout, Tucker of Northern Ireland; multi-time Norwegian wrestling champion Bjørn Sem; ”The Golden Amazon” of European women’s wrestling and international sensation, the powerful Heidi Katrina; Sweden’s top female wrestler, Helena Sixt; Finnish stars ”Wildman” Heimo Ukonselkä, ”Metal Warrior” Stark Adder, Polar Pekko and Viktor Tykki; and SLAM! Wrestling founder and 3-time European champion, ”The Rebel” StarBuck, in addition to others!


Get in on action and excitement, live on August 29, outdoors at Biergarten Konepaja in Helsinki! Tickets available through Tiketti.fi at 23 Euros per person.

PowerSLAM in Põltsamaa

Professional wrestling - ammattilaistason kansainvälistä showpainia

SLAM! Wrestling Finland comes to Põltsamaa, Estonia on August 15 with PowerSLAM in Põltsamaa, as part of the Naah Klaffen MC biker festival. 


This event will feature a European women’s match, a Hardcore Triple Threat match and a Nordic wrestling championship title defense match as part of the special event!


Confirmed names include current, reigning Nordic champion Stark Adder from Finland, big Bjørn Sem from Norway, Lexa Valo from Germany, Helena Sixt from Sweden, “Wildman” Heimo Ukonselkä from Finland, “The Rebel” StarBuck from Canada and Mikk Vainula from Estonia. As you can see, this is going to be an internationally-flavored card, so be sure to come to Naah Klaffen if you are in Estonia in the middle of August and witness PowerSLAM in Põltsamaa live, as it happens!

SLAM! in Tallinn

SLAM! in Tallinn 2019

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